Review: Morning Star by Pierce Brown
Publication Date: February 9, 2016
After a losing many people in a battle, Darrow finds himself struggling to pick up the pieces he left broken. He, himself, is broken. And there may no longer be people fighting with him.
But, his determination to finish what he started pushes Darrow to find his friends and make things right.
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Date Read: January 26, 2018
I finally finished listening to this during the Winter BiAnnual Bibliothon. It was a long time coming and I wish I had a better reaction when it ended.
Firstly, let me start off by saying that I don't really know what happened in this book because I found it so easy to get distracted whenever I was listening to it. I've known for quite some time that this trilogy wasn't for me, and that I was no longer invested after the first book ended. But, I wanted to stick it through to see if I could understand why everyone else liked it so much.
To put it simply, I really don't understand what everyone else likes about this. Maybe it's because I find sci-fi hard to read, and because there was so much information that I felt wasn't properly explained to me when it first came up. I had a hard time following this trilogy from the beginning, and that didn't change. By the time I got to this book, I barely remembered what was going on anymore.
I listened to the majority of this book while working on several Photoshop projects for one of my classes at the end of Fall. It was an easy way for me to get the audiobook done while being able to pay decent attention to the story. However, I found that I was really easily distracted and would forget that I was listening to the book and zone out for a few minutes at a time. That continued on as I worked on other projects in my J-Term class this past month.
What I know of the plot is that a lot of people died (no surprise because people keep dying throughout the trilogy) and that I found myself more and more confused as the story came to an end. It felt like it was dragging out too much, and honestly, I don't really remember how it ended. All I remember is that something happened that I didn't see coming and felt was really cheap.
It's rather safe to say that I'm not a fan of this trilogy or Pierce Brown's writing style. Perhaps if he wrote something other than sci-fi, I would consider picking it up, but otherwise, I don't think I'll be reading any more of his work.
I feel as though I've gotten enough out of the trilogy to say that I don't recommend these to anyone. There are many people who enjoyed it, but unfortunately, I was not one of them.
I can't even begin to tell you what happened with the characters because I truthfully wasn't paying enough attention all the time to know.
2 stars. It didn't feel worth my time, so I'm not comfortable recommending this to anyone.
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